MDA - Workshop Matemática Discreta e Aplicações

Date: 05 dec 2022, 11h.




 Shapes of Thought



Further info at the event website; registration form here.


Cartaz Workshop on Singularity Theory

Further info at the event website; registration form here.


Workshop on Control Theory and Partial Differential Equations

WctPDEDates: 24 - 28 mai 2021.

Registration and More Info:

Juan Límaco, Luiz Viana, Reginaldo Demarque, Carlos Guzmán (UFF).


Workshop on Differential Geometry 2021

Dates: 08 and 09 feb 2021.

Location: Google Meet, here.

Barbara Nelli (U. degli Studi dell'Aquila)
Benoît Daniel (U. de Lorraine)
Hung Tran (Texas Tech U.)
João Paulo dos Santos (U. de Brasília)
José A. Gálvez (U. de Granada)
José N. V. Gomes (U. Federal de São Carlos)
Michele Rimoldi (Politecnico di Torino)
Pablo Mira (U. Politécnica de Cartagena)
Vanderson Lima (U. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul).

More Info: ProgramAbstracts (in construction) and Poster.

Asun Jiménez (UFF)
Abigail Folha (UFF)
Detang Zhou (UFF).

Contact E-mails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


GAAG 2020 - Workshop on Geometry in Algebra and Algebra in Geometry

Further details and updates: check the event website.

Dates: 16 to 18 dec 2020.

Location: Remotely by Zoom.

Confirmed Speakers:

Carolina Araujo (IMPA)
Ana Balibanu (Harvard University)
Luis Diogo (UFF)
Chiara Esposito (Salermo, Italia)
Rodrigo Gondim (UFRPE)
Ryan Kinser (University of Iowa)
Martijn Kool (Universiteit Utrecht)
Frank Neumann (University of Leicester)
Cristian Ortiz (IME-USP)


Aline V. Andrade (UFF)
Matias del Hoyo (UFF)
Kostiantyn Iusenko (USP)


We are glad to announce the "GAAG 2020 - Workshop on Geometry in Algebra and Algebra in Geometry". This was originally intended to take place at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil. Due to the pandemic we are postponing the in-person meeting and running a smaller virtual version, to give continuity to our interactions, and to keep the spirit of the GAAG alive.

The GAAG workshops started in 2015 in São Paulo, as a laid-back gathering of researchers working in the interconnections between algebra and geometry. This edition will have panoramic talks in the mornings and scientific talks in the afternoons, by the confirmed speakers listed above.


LAWCG 2020 + MDA 2020

(IX Latin-American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs + Discrete Mathematics and Applications Workshop)

Date: 25 nov 2020.

Place: Room 207, Bloco H, Campus Gragoatá, UFF.

Confirmed Plenary Talks: João Meidanis (UNICAMP, Brazil), Carmen Ortiz (U Valparaíso, Chile); Monica Villanueva (USACH, Chile).

Deadlines and More Info:

We are very pleased to announce that the 9th Latin American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs will be held remotely on November 25th, 2020. Following the previous workshops in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2002), La Plata, Argentina (2006), Guanajuato, Mexico (2008), Itaipava, Brazil (2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina (2012), Pirenópolis, Brazil (2014), La Plata, Argentina (2016), and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2018), the workshop is meant to foster interaction between the Latin American Graph Theory and Combinatorics community, whose research interests include cliques, clique graphs, the behavior of cliques and other topics in Graph Theory.

This year LAWCG will take place in conjunction with the Discrete Mathematics and Applications Workshop (MDA). The MDA ( is a national scientific event which brings together researchers from renowned research centers in the field of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, and students and teachers from public high schools. Since 2013, MDA has promoted the dissemination of Mathematics through activities inserted in projects supported by Brazilian funding agencies CAPES, CNPq and FAPERJ.

The official languages are English, Portuguese, and Spanish.


Mini Geometry Gathering

Date: 06 mar 2020, 10h-16h30.

Place: Room 207, Bloco H, Campus Gragoatá, UFF.

Speakers: Jason Lotay (Oxford), Daniele Sepe (UFF), Misha Verbitsky (IMPA), Matheus Vieira (UFES).

Complete Schedule and More Info: here.


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