Seminars 2020

Brazilian Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Weekly on Wednesdays, 15h30m, online via Google Meet. See event's website.

Organizers: Carolina Araujo e Eduardo Esteves (IMPA), Ethan Cotterill e Marco Pacini (UFF), Maurício Corrêa e Renato Vidal Martins (UFMG), Marcos Jardim (UNICAMP).

Cibercoloquio Latinoamericano de Matemáticas

Fridays, 14h-15h, online via Webex: see event's site.

Contact at UFF: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Organizers: Daniel Campos Salas (Costa Rica), Manuel Rivera (Purdue), María Amelia Salazar (UFF), José Alejandro Samper (Puc-Chile), José Simental Rodríguez (UC Davis), Soledad Villar (John Hopkins).

Geometry, Dynamics and Mechanics Seminar

Every 2 weeks on Tuesdays, 15:00 GMT (12:00 Brasilia). A series of online seminars aiming at maintaining and reinforcing collaboration and connection among researchers working in the broad field of Geometry, Dynamics and Mechanics. Further info:

Organizers: Paula Balseiro (UFF), Francesco Fassò (Padova), Luis García-Naranjo (UNAM), David Iglesias-Ponte (La Laguna), Tudor Ratiu (Shanghai), Nicola Sansonetto (Verona).

Latin American Real and Tropical Geometry Seminar

Bi-weekly on Fridays, 11:00. See event's website.

Organizers: Alicia Dickenstein (AR); Ethan Cotterill, Oliver Lorscheid and Marco Pacini (BR); Johannes Rau (CO); Fuensanta Aroca and Cristhian Garay López (MX).

Seminário de Combinatória

Last Wednesday of each month, 13:00, remotely via Google Meet. Further info:

Organizer: Simone Dantas (UFF).

Seminário de EDP e Matemática Aplicada

Biweekly on Wednesdays, 14h, via Google Meet. See website.

Organizers: Juan Limaco (UFF), Mauro Rincon (UFRJ) and Max Souza (UFF).

Seminário Simplético do Rio

Tuesdays, 14h-15h, online via Google Meet: see event's calendar.

Organized by IMPA, PUC-RJ, UFF and UFRJ. Contact at UFF: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Seminário em Teoria Espectral de Grafos

Biweekly on Mondays, 15h. Contact organizers for specific info.

Organizer: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (UFF).

Web-Seminar on Geometric Analysis

Thursdays, 14h, throughout August 2020, online via Google Meet:

Further info:

Organizers: Detang Zhou (UFF), Ernani Ribeiro Jr (UFC), Keti Tenenblat (UnB).

WorkGroup on Topological Data Analysis

Thursdays, 16h-18h.

Further info: contact the organizer by E-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Organizer: Carlos Meniño Cotón (UFF).


Workshop on Data Science, Mathematical Modelling and Quantitative Finance


Date: From the 25th to the 29th of November 

Time and Location: Monday and Tuesday talks  are scheduled at 10:30 in Room 407-H of the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME-UFF). Friday will be of more general interest. These talks are schedule starting at 10:30 and the IME-UFF Auditorium -- Ground Floor of Building G.



This will be a series of  talks that will present  different viewpoints on these subjects -- with an emphasis on Mathematical Finance. This Workshop is open to all interested in these Mathematics (pure or applied) and on these specific applications.

Read more: WDSMMQF