Alguns problemas em geometria complexa

Speaker: Thiago Fassarella, UFF.

Date: 12 dec 2019, 14h.

Place: Room 40x, Bloco H, Campus Gragoatá, UFF.

Abstract: Nesta palestra irei introduzir espaços de moduli de fibrados/Campos de Higgs/Conexões sobre uma curva complexa lisa. Pretendo também discutir certas propriedades e apresentar alguns problemas na área.


Vector bundles on elliptic surfaces

Speaker: Vitantonio Peragine, SISSA, Trieste.

Date: 26 nov 2019, 14h.

Place: Room 407, Bloco H, Campus Gragoatá, UFF.

Abstract: This will be a review talk about vector bundles on elliptic surfaces.

We will start by showing that S-equivalence classes of semistable vector bundles of rank n and trivial determinant over an integral curve E of arithmetic genus 1 (possibly singular) have a coarse moduli space, which is a projective space P of dimension n-1.

Then, we will describe two methods for constructing universal families of regular bundles over PxE, one based on the idea of a spectral cover of P, and  the other on the universal extension of two carefully chosen vector bundles on E.

Finally, we will explain how these ideas can be generalized to the relative context of a family of Weierstrass cubics with a section.


Listagem de semigrupos de valores r-ramificados

Speaker: Lia Feital, Universidade Federal de Viçosa.

Date: 12 nov 2019, 14h.

Place: Room 407, Bloco H, Campus Gragoatá, UFF.

Abstract: Processos para listagem de semigrupos numéricos já foram estudados por alguns autores, entre eles a Bras-Amorós com a árvore de semigrupos. Agora, a tarefa de fornecer uma listagem completa de todos os semigrupos multirramificados torna-se bem mais complexa. Este é o problema que estou trabalhando no momento (ainda no princípio) junto com o Professor Marcelo Escudeiro (UEM), onde estamos buscando implementar um processo automatizado que calcule todos os semigrupos possíveis de um certo gênero g.


The Strong Maximal Rank Conjecture and higher-rank Brill-Noether theory

Speaker: Ethan Cotterill, UFF.

Date: 05 nov 2019, 14h.

Place: Room 407, Bloco H, Campus Gragoatá, UFF.

Abstract: We compute the cohomology class of certain “special maximal-rank loci” originally defined by Aprodu and Farkas. By showing the non-triviality of such classes, we are able to verify the non-emptiness portion of the Strong Maximal Rank conjecture for a wide range of cases. As an application, we obtain new results for the existence portion of a well-known conjecture due to Bertram, Feinberg and independently Mukai in higher-rank Brill- Noether theory.


On the number of cyclic subgroups of a finite group

Speaker: Martino Garonzi, UNB.

Date: 27 sep 2019, 11h.

Place: Room 409, Bloco H, Campus Gragoatá, UFF.

Abstract: Let G be a finite group and let c(G) be the number of cyclic subgroups of G. Let a(G)=c(G)/|G|. In this talk I will present recent results obtained with Igor Lima about the function a(G) concentrating on solvable and supersolvable groups. I will also present some properties of the set of numbers of the form a(G).


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